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Being healthy is fashionable!


    April 9 in the park. In order to promote a healthy lifestyle as part of the celebration of World Health Day and International Sports Day under the auspices of the Department of Humanitarian Affairs of the Kramatorsk City Council, sports competitions were held under the motto "Healthy to be fashionable."
    The competition was attended by all higher education institutions, vocational schools and school № 8.
The competition program included:
- sports relays;
- darts;
- remote control of the bicycle;
- intellectual quiz.

     Mayor Andriy Pankov congratulated the participants on sports holidays and drew lots among the teams. Together with Deputy Mayor Yuriy Lyulka and Head of the Humanitarian Department Andriy Goreslavets, the mayor opened the competition by making the first shots on a darts target.

   After the presentation, the teams of educational institutions started sports relay races.

    From the very first minutes, a fierce confrontation began between the teams of MKDGMA, DGMA, DNMU and KramKTD. The team of our college showed the best result in the first relay.  And, taking a major tone, she was confidently among the leaders in the future, so, despite some mistakes that occurred during the tests, the margin of safety secured us a prize. And after the intellectual quiz, in which our students scored the most points, it became clear that our first place.

After summing up, our predictions were confirmed and we gladly accepted the cup and the winner's diploma from the hands of the chief judge of the competition.
    In turn, I want to note  conscious and active participation of students in preparation for this event, as well as teachers of our college, who have an understanding attitude to the employment of students in preparation for these competitions.
   Thanks for  assistance in organizing a group of fans and  providing visual and informational support

  physical education teacher ES Zhykul-Chernyak and Deputy Director for Educational Work IM Nesting.

                                                                   Head of physical education KramKTD   О.В. Fields

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