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The last bell rang in KTT 


   Dear graduates!

    We sincerely welcome groups 54 and 14  with graduation from Kramatorsk Technological College and obtaining the qualification level of junior specialists.      We hope that the time you spend in the walls of our institution will forever be engraved in your hearts, and the knowledge you have gained will illuminate your life and professional path, helping to learn new horizons, help achieve goals, help choose a life path. .

    Today we can proudly call you colleagues, experts in their field. We don't call you children anymore - you already do  self-confident adults are able to make independent decisions and decide their future. She will describe your life in her own way, but know that it is important in this life to remain human, to remember your roots, your parents, your mentors, not to forget those who helped you side by side in the anxious moments of life, to first of all, personality. Remember your teachers who took you on a thorny path to the land of professional knowledge and skills.

    Thousands of paths lie before you. And they all lead to the world of work and creativity, without which human life is unthinkable. Today you are on the threshold of a new important stage of your life - choosing the next place of study or a dream job. You have to take more than one decisive and responsible step in life. We hope that every time your choice will be the right one.

    You have been educated in specialties that are in demand in modern society. You are young, full of strength, energy, big plans for the future.       And for those who are able to work hard, improve their knowledge and skills, life opens the widest opportunities for self-realization.

    We wish  already certified specialists  worthily go through all possible obstacles and difficulties,  to become true professionals in their field, as well as creative inspiration, perseverance and success in all endeavors to  the basic knowledge and skills you have acquired have become the key to future professional growth.

    Thousands of roads have opened before you, but each of you will choose your personal life path. Follow it firmly and confidently, and knowledge, skills and abilities will help you to successfully start your professional activity.  obtained in the walls of our college.

   Good luck to you in everything! In a good way!

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