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Shrovetide was celebrated, winter was spent!

    Butter  is one of the oldest holidays of the Slavic peoples. A real pastime that has preserved its traditions today from pagan culture. This delicious and incredibly satisfying holiday lasts a whole week.  It is popularly associated with delicious baked pancakes and merry festivities.

    Shrovetide symbolizes  the arrival of spring and the awakening of nature. Ancient Slavs celebrated "winter farewells"  and the beginning of spring and spring agriculture. On this day, they worshiped the Sun, which carried warmth and awakened nature, so they prepared a sacrificial bread, similar to this celestial body - a pancake.

    Pancakes  in pagan times  were an indispensable attribute of the celebration of Shrovetide and the Spring Solstice - a turning point that symbolizes the victory of daylight over long winter nights.

    As true heirs of the ancient Slavs, students of the Kramatorsk Technological College greeted Shrovetide with merry festivities and a pancake fair.   And now they invite  all  on Open Day to celebrate Shrovetide  together  and to revive and popularize the traditions and culture of our glorious people!

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