Week of social sciences and humanities
From November 25 to 29, the week of the cycle commission of social and humanitarian disciplines took place in KramKTD. A number of events were prepared by the teachers of the secondary school in order to cover various areas of knowledge and activities of teachers and students. 25.11.19 teachers Vladimirova VV, Maevskaya TM, Kovalenko VO an exhibition-presentation of national dishes was held, as well as an appetizing quiz "Ukraine tastes".
26.11.19 teachers of the subject "Foreign language" Zaivenko M.Yu. and Karakuts AA an educational event of the BBC TV Show "Top 5 Greatest Britons" was held.
26.11.19 teacher Gnezdilova IM within the framework of the week of the Central Election Commission and the all-Ukrainian action "16 days against violence" an information session "It is impossible with me" was held.
27.11.19 teacher of the subject "World History" Mikulin IV held an open lecture "Samurai as a culture"
28.11.19 teachers Maevskaya TM and Burlachka MS historical and philological "Quest time" was held.
Dear students and teachers, the Center for Social Sciences and Humanities is sincerely grateful to you for your active participation in all events, as well as for the grain of science that grows on the fertile ground of pedagogical work.