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Training of social activity in KTT

 U-Report Ukraine is a platform for responsible, motivated people who develop themselves and are ready to change the world around them. The survey system allows in  stormy weekdays join  before formation  youth  politics in our country. Young people have their say, and U-Report brings it to the public in a couple of clicks.

    Take part in weekly free SMS surveys on various topics. Your answers, together with the answers of hundreds or thousands of U-reporters, will make it possible to understand the opinion of young people on this or that issue.  and it will be very helpful in the work of the government, international and non-governmental organizations. Thanks to this data, they will know what young people need and will work on positive changes.

To join, send START to 4224 / to stop the mailing, send STOP.

     November 27 at Kramatorsk Technological College  A meeting was held with a volunteer of the UN Children's Fund project at UNICEF-U Report - Kateryna Stus. She conducted a training on social activity with KTT students, told about the information program for the youth of Donetsk and Luhansk regions, and called to join the  U-Report.    

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