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WITH     D n e m     with t у д е н т а !

    November 17 is a day when the most active, funniest, most creative members of society celebrate their "professional" holiday. Yes, these are students!

Every year on the eve of this date, students of our school take part in the city festival of student art, which is organized by the Department of Humanitarian Affairs of Kramatorsk City Council. This year the festival was dedicated to European countries and a team of our students prepared a dance and a song that would be associated with the audience with  Italy.

    Meanwhile, the team was preparing  before the performance at the festival, teachers prepared their gifts for all students of the school.

     So on a holiday in technical school music sounded, the hall was decorated by the newspaper in which each teacher wrote the wishes. The students were greeted by the Deputy Director for Initial Work and presented with a greeting and a gift Bonus +1 to the grade, which allows you to increase the current grade in any subject. And during the long break, all interested students could take part in an entertaining competition program conducted by teachers. Couples that day were shorter and breaks were longer.

     We sincerely hope that such gifts made the students happy, because they are the best in our country! We believe in them, rejoice in their successes, painfully experience failures and sincerely wish everyone  of them professional success!

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