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Week of social sciences and humanities

From 27.11.2017 on December 1, 2017, the Kramatorsk Technological College hosted a week of the cycle commission of social and humanitarian disciplines.

On November 27, 2017, an exhibition of creative works of students majoring in "Design" "Ukrainian writers - a modern view" began. The purpose of the exhibition was: education of patriotism in students, student creativity, aesthetic taste and intelligence.

A literary composition was also held on this day  "CONTEMPORARY UKRAINIAN POETRY. Poems about Ukraine that impress with their frankness. "

Students recited by heart poems about the beauty of Ukraine, which were filled with patriotic pathos. A demonstration of the video film "The Beauty of Our Ukraine!" Took place. The second part of the event was dedicated to the events in Donbass.

The event was conducted by teachers of KTT Vladimirova VV and Kovalenko VO


The morning of that day began  from music, such musical breaks created a special casual atmosphere in the school.

Teacher Gnezdilova IM prepared   exhibition of newspapers "Useful Psychology" and the action "Interesting fact in psychological science", the purpose of which was to expand and  deepening students' knowledge of psychology. 

And also the master class "Stress management. Emotional Intelligence Laboratory.

During the master class the students got acquainted with the following questions:

  • what is Emotional Intelligence (EQ) and how it can be developed;

  • why most people have problems managing emotions;

  • signs of emotional well-being;

  • advantages  EQ in education and personal life;      

  and tried techniques for managing their own emotions.

In the fourth pair, the history teacher Mikulin IV An open lecture was held for teachers and students on the topic: "Rural cuisine, which has become rich."

During the lecture, the audience got acquainted  with the traditions of rural cuisine, the dishes of which are included in the diet of the people of the modern world;  strange traditions of cooking in different nations of the world  and the history of the origin of various dishes  rural cuisine.


Teacher Burlachka MS a quiz "Young Lawyer" was held. Two teams of group 67 and group 17-A competed for the right to receive the title of "Lawyer of the highest category". The teacher successfully selected different types of creative tasks and logic tasks.


On the basis of the Kramatorsk Technological College the RMO of teachers of foreign languages of the Donetsk region took place. Teachers of foreign languages Karakuts AA were responsible for carrying out methodical association. and M.Yu. Zaivenko, who showed the guests of the technical school a fragment of an open lesson on the topic: “Language workshop“ English is the language of international communication. Intercultural features of English-speaking countries and Ukraine ". At this time, the library premises for a short period of time turned into separate parts of the world, imitating a trip around the world.

During the event, students demonstrated projects - presentations about the peculiarities of the fashion industry of English-speaking countries, the guests were introduced to the video of Vogue UA magazine "Ukrainian national costume". There was a demonstration of clothing collections "Ukrainian Pearl" and "Sakura", which were made by students majoring in "Modeling and design of industrial products."


On Friday, the fourth couple met with the Kramatorsk poetess Halyna Onatska. During the meeting, students recited poems by the poet, which are rich in their thematic focus and the power of the poetic word; sang songs based on the poems of the poetess, showed book trailers to the literary collections of Galina Nikolaevna. The author's poetry did not leave anyone indifferent. From her poems, Ukraine spoke to everyone - these are the bitter "tears of the Holodomor", "red blood of the anti-terrorist operation fighter", the charming beauty of Ukrainian nature, true natural femininity. 

The meeting was organized by the teacher of KTT Maevska TM

     The week of social and humanitarian disciplines is a time of close cooperation between a teacher and a student. The work of the week was planned so that the activities covered various areas of activity of teachers and students, were interesting, useful, contributed to the intellectual and creative development of students. And each day was special, bright, unforgettable.  


  Head c / c

  socio-humanitarian disciplines                                       V.V. Владимирова

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