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     On November 14, the annual festival of student art "StudDiya", organized by the Department of Humanitarian Affairs of Kramatorsk City Council, took place. The theme of this year's festival is holidays. The creative team of Kramatorsk Technological College had to convey the atmosphere of April 1, a holiday of humor and laughter. Talented students of KTT coped with this task perfectly.  

    The song performed by Anastasia Kondratovych was the funniest and most emotional: There was not a single person left in the hall who would not sing along to Nastya. And the bright, inflammatory and full of merry surprises dance caused smiles in all members of the jury. The team took the honorable 2nd place.  

    Also, during the week, our student Alisa Yarmak took part in the quest game "Youth Hero". Alice quickly and creatively performed all the tasks and won a place in the top three finalists.

    The annual holiday brought together all teachers and students. Active preparation, production of requisites, assistance in carrying out tasks to our "Youth Hero" united the KTT team.  And our fans  were the most active!

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