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     Dante, Petrarch, Boccaccio, Cervantes, Shakespeare - these names are associated with the Renaissance in world literature. Next to them is the name of Shevchenko, who not only raised Ukrainian literature to the world level, but changed the people's worldview. He is not just a Kobzar, a singer of people's lives, he is the Ukrainian life of all  its manifestations!

      Taras Shevchenko is a world-famous Ukrainian poet, novelist, playwright, artist, politician and public figure. He was a man of universal talents and interests. Shevchenko dreamed of a time when his country would be an independent sovereign state, when language, culture and history would be respected in Ukraine, and the people would be united in their actions and thoughts.

     Today Ukrainians celebrate the 206th anniversary of his birth. On this occasion, KramKTD students shared interesting facts from the life of the Great Kobzar.

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