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    A pedagogical council was held on April 15.

    Issues considered:

1. Preparation for drawing up of the state final attestation in the form of external independent estimation (speakers teachers Sumets OI, Maevskaya TM, Burlachka MS) Teachers to get acquainted with the accepted Law of Ukraine concerning cancellation of obligatory drawing up of STA in the form of ZNO , conducted an analysis of the quantitative and qualitative composition of students who choose to take the external examination for admission to the university.

2. Formation of a strategy for the development of a professional higher education institution (speaker: Deputy Director for Academic Affairs Sklyarova GO) Boeing of our dream "to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the college in a group method in virtual rooms, and wrote an analytical mini-essay on" My personal contribution to the development of KramFKTD ", using the online board Padlet. Based on the results of the Pedagogical Council, a working group will be set up to work out the Strategy document.

3.  Analysis and ways to improve  career guidance work in college. The speaker is the executive secretary of the admission commission Gnezdilova IM reported on the main forms and methods of career guidance in the difficult conditions of the pandemic and analyzed what has already been done.

    The pedagogical council was interesting and rich, despite the online format

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