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     As part of the week of energy saving, in order to draw attention to the problems of energy use, energy saving, environmental protection, involving students in useful activities on energy and resource conservation, the college held a multimedia interactive game "Energy saving is everyone's business". It was prepared by Pozdnyakova Olena Vyacheslavivna, her teacher.

      Tasks of this game:

 to acquaint students with the main energy-saving methods and measures, their economic effect;

 to promote the desire to use energy resources sparingly;

 to convince students of the possibility and necessity of their personal participation in solving problems of energy saving and ecology;

 to promote the formation of a culture of energy use and creative thinking to find reserves of energy conservation in everyday life;

 create conditions for the development of interest in the practical application of the acquired knowledge.

     The lesson was held in the form of an intellectual competition of 2 teams of group 68: the team of "Electro-jerboas" and the team of "Energy-saving donuts". At the beginning of the lesson, students watched the films "Energy of the Earth in our hands", "Simple rules of energy saving", and then earned points by answering questions. As a result of the fight, the team of "Electro-jerboas" won the highest number of points and victory.

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