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Traditionally, on the fourth Saturday of November, Ukraine and the world commemorate three famines:  1921-1923, 1932-1933, 1946-1947. 

The worst  was  The Holodomor of the 1930s. This is one of the most tragic pages in the history of the XX century. More than 3.5 died of starvation  million  persons.  In the spring of 1933 alone, 17 people died every minute in Ukraine. Many children were not born ...

The writer and translator V. Barka wrote the following about the "yellow prince" of death in the fertile lands of Ukraine: heavy spikelets bent the stem, and the wind barely swayed them ... They were waiting for the reapers. And there was no one to reap. Because the people are terribly ugly. "

Scholars argue that the Holodomor of 1932-1933 was a genocide - the artificial physical destruction of the peasantry as the socio-economic and cultural basis of the Ukrainian nation.  The so-called Stalinist law of "5 ears of corn" is in fact the first step in the Bolshevik crime against the people. 

The pain of the Holodomor will not subside in the nation's genetic memory. We must preserve and pass this truth on to our descendants. To teach children to respect bread as a huge shrine, to appreciate human work, to love the country and to follow Ukrainian traditions. We must not all commit crimes against humanity. 

Today at 16:00 everyone can join the nationwide action by lighting  memory candle. 

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