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«Людина живе, щоб жити»

(до 85-річниці від дня народження Василя Стуса)

Моя Україна забула

Сміятись. Вона гомонить. 

Моя Україна не вщухла

Од прагнення жить. 


Пройшло понад пів століття, а пророчі слова Василя Стуса – наче про наше сьогодення. Його творчість «поєднується з криком нації», а відтак – залишається актуальною. 


Українського митця й правозахисника часто згадують як людину трагічної долі – 13 із 47 років свого життя чоловік провів ув'язненим у радянських таборах. Одначе кожна хвилина не була марною, адже в серці поета завжди жила Україна  Василь Стус до останнього боровся за її незалежність і залишив по собі «вічні» рядки. 


Міжнародний день прав людини

      Свобода, повага, толерантність, справедливість, відповідальність – так на практиці повинні співіснувати люди та суспільства.
     Вже 72 роки поспіль 10 грудня в світі відзначається Міжнародний день прав людини. Прийняття Декларації прав людини у 1948 році вперше в світовій історії проголосило, що кожна людина має особисті, цивільні та політичні права і ніхто не має права їх позбавити. Це стало початком нового світового порядку, в якому людина – найвища цінність, а її життя – недоторканне.
       Права людини – це броня, яка захищає нас. Це правила, які говорять нам, як себе поводити. Це арбітри, до яких ми можемо звертатися. Вони пропонують нам повагу та вимагають від нас ставитися з повагою до інших. Вони подібні до доброти, правди і справедливості: ми можемо розходитися в думках стосовно їхнього визначення, але ми впізнаємо їх, коли бачимо, що їх порушують.

      Знати свої права – значить бути упевненим у вірності обраних кроків.  Людина, яка має правову обізнаність, є захищеною й упевнено прямує до своєї мети.


День пам'яті жертв Голодоморів

    Традиційно, в четверту суботу листопада, Україна та світ згадують три голодомори: 1921-1923, 1932-1933, 1946-1947 років. 

    Найстрашнішим був Голодомор 30-х років. Це одна з найтрагічніших сторінок в історії XX століття. Від голоду померло понад 3,5 млн осіб. Лише навесні 1933 року в Україні щохвилини помирало 17 людей. Багато дітей не народилося...

     Про «жовтого князя» смерті на родючих землях України письменник і перекладач В. Барка писав наступне: «Врожай 1933 року подекуди видався невиданий: ніби казковий; важкі колоски схиляли стебло, і вітер ледве розгойдував їх... Ждали женців. А жати було нікому. Бо народ страшно вирідів».

      Біль від голодоморів не вщухне в генетичній пам’яті нації. Ми маємо зберігати й передавати цю правду нашим нащадкам. Учити дітей шанувати хліб, як величезну святиню, цінувати людську працю, любити країну та наслідувати українські традиції. Ми всі не повинні допустити злочинів проти людства. 

     Сьогодні о 16:00 кожен може приєднатися до загальнонаціональної акції, запаливши  свічку пам’яті. 


       Ще один із подарунків для нашої бібліотеки - книга геніального Херлуфа Бідструпа - данського художника - карикатуриста (1912 - 1988 ).

       Якщо вам притаманне почуття гумору і не лінь прочитати текст біля малюнків, не відмовте собі в задоволенні - прочитайте.

      Отож, погляд на моду - 1959 від Херлуфа Бідструпа. 




                                                          REMEMBER ...

This rain is like a shower. This day is so kind.

The gardens are in bloom. Juice ferments in birches.

This is a nightingale opera, La Scala!

Chernobyl. Zone. Twenty-first age.

Here in the yards is a purple flood.

Here those lilacs break through the mud.

Here the pike goes like a submarine,

And geese arrive every spring.

But the little ones sprouted through the porch.

The people lived above Pripyat - and disappeared.

Toadstools grew in the Red Forest,

and Death walks, the only mushroom here.


                     Lina Kostenko


150 years since the birth of Lesya Ukrainka

                                 "The world will light the abandoned fire of my songs,

                               And the restrained flame shines,

                                              lit at night, burning during the day.

     Today marks 150 years since the birth of Lesya Ukrainka - Ukrainian poet, playwright and public figure, a classic of Ukrainian literature.

     Lesya Ukrainka is one of the most prominent figures in the history of Ukrainian literature. She left behind a great literary work - impressive poems, prose works, poems, journalistic articles, translations of world classics.

    It was she who, following Shevchenko, convinced her people that they could speak and be heard, claim recognition and glory. It was she who reconnected Ukrainian culture to the fundamental values of European civilization.

     Her works have been translated into many languages of the world, her work has entered immortality. But everyone must discover Lesya Ukrainka's poetry for himself, take what he needs.


February 25 - 180 years since his birth  Renoir

     Creative teachers, creative students. The atmosphere of creativity permeates the classrooms and even the corridors of our college. Art works of teachers, students and graduates attract attention, fascinate, be remembered, decorate many offices and are often exhibited at exhibitions.

    But, of course, there are examples - artists whose work will forever remain in the treasury of world art. One of them was Pierre Auguste Renoir (1841 - 1919)

    Among the famous artists there are names, at the mention of which there is a sense of joy, which is simply loved. They are also written about, their work is analyzed, but sometimes they prefer to publish reproductions of their works so that they can admire their works. Such is Pierre Auguste Renoir - an incorrigible connoisseur of sunlight and human happiness.


February 21 - International Mother Language Day

    Language is the spiritual treasure of a nation. It is not just a means of human communication, it is something that lives in our hearts.

    People speak different languages. There are about 6 thousand of them. Unfortunately, philologists warn that at least 40% of these languages will disappear in the 21st century. And this is a huge loss for humanity, because each language is a brilliant manifestation of the human spirit, a unique vision of our world.

    February 21 is Mother Language Day. This is a relatively young holiday. It entered the world calendars only in 1989, and since February 21, 2000 this day is celebrated in Ukraine as well.

    And what is your native language?


To the Day of Heroes of the Heavenly Hundred

an information exhibition opened in the library.  

    This Day is celebrated annually on February 20 in accordance with the Presidential Decree of February 11, 2015 "On honoring the heroism of the participants of the Revolution of Dignity and perpetuating the memory of the Heroes of the Heavenly Hundred."

    It was in these days, four years ago, during the Revolution of Dignity, that the confrontation between the Ukrainian people and the then regime reached its peak. On February 20, 2014, most Maidan activists died. The next day, February 21, 2014, the official authorities of Ukraine legally recognized the victims of the dead Maidan protesters. On the same day, a farewell ceremony was held on the Maidan for the fallen insurgents, who were called the "Heavenly Hundred" in mourning speeches.


February 14 - International Book Donation Day

    Book. Its importance in the life of each of us is difficult to overestimate. The first fairy tales for the night, the first "accidentally" torn children's books, the first "Alphabet" ... And, of course, the first self-read books.

     In families where parents read, there is an understanding that reading fiction develops, expands the worldview, makes you think, analyze, empathize. In such families, parents will always find a way and method to interest, find the right interesting book. Probably many have books that are remembered from childhood, which, to some extent, contributed to the fact that reading will become a lifelong hobby. Personally, I had a book by Alexander Belyaev "Island of Dead Ships".

    The importance and usefulness of reading can be written at length and fascinatingly, giving scientifically sound arguments, but readers with "experience" do not need it, because they are just interested ... It is interesting to immerse yourself in new stories of literary heroes, think and dream, sympathize and wait for the sequel ... when you can continue reading again.

A unique feeling of admiration for the new book and respect for the "experienced", with shabby pages and not quite fresh cover. This "happened" absorbed the emotions and feelings of many people who turned its pages.

    The book has always been a value. Beginning with handwritten versions of the Ancient World and to this day.

    GIVE BOOKS TO loved ones, colleagues, friends and relatives.

You can always enthusiastically share your impressions of what you read, learn a lot of new and interesting things. And yet - a good book helps to relieve stress, distract from their own thoughts and problems, find a clue to solve them.

     Even in ancient Greece, above the entrance to the library hung signs reading "Here is the healing of the soul."


The native embroidered shirt, isn't it a miracle?

It is fashionable, stylish and beautiful to walk in it.

This is a work of art, this is beauty and a fairy tale,

In her soul nasnaga, maternal grace.

The colors are intertwined in it in patterns and flowers,

That children were happy and laughed.

And cheerful people rejoiced in beauty

And themselves, of course, knew how to embroider

Red viburnum, green leaves,

May the daughters and sons be happy.

And native embroidered shirts protected them

Children were protected from trouble on the road.

That in embroidered shirts boys were courageous,

They were able to protect their native Ukraine.

Our embroidered shirt, isn't it a miracle?

The embroidered shirt is always fashionable and beautiful ...

                          (N.  G.  Krasotkina)

    Embroidered shirt, embroidered shirt ... The word "shirt" is a coded set of energies that create a perfect and harmonious destiny of a person. In Greek, the word "embroidery" translates as "space". Before Christianity, people were pagans and believed in the sun, sky, thunder, rain - that is, in everything they depended on, and it was depicted on clothing.

    What is an embroidered shirt for us? Does each of us have his own answer to the question: "What is an embroidered shirt for you? A fashion trend, a need for time or a sense of belonging to the people?"

    So we wear an embroidered shirt for luck and happiness ... This is our Ukrainian "space" and our national amulet.


Remember. We win

  Every year in May we celebrate Victory Day. The Ukrainian people paid a high price for participating in the worst war in world history, 1939-1945. The great feat and great tragedy of our people - its battle, its victory over the Nazis - will not disappear into human memory.

      Victory Day ... It was approached as close as they could by people who had a very difficult time in those war years and who have the hardest time today. Our generation is also in lifelong debt to those war veterans who had to go through the crucible of battles and live to win. Fewer and fewer of them remain in the system of life. War-scorched youth, raw trenches and dugouts, hunger and cold, diseases and wounds, their chests covered with medals, and gray hair on their temples are also visible. But they remember those terrible times, although they often do not want to mention it.

    Ukraine suffered extraordinary losses as a result of the war. During the hostilities and captivity, 3-4 million soldiers, underground fighters and civilians were killed, 4-5 million residents were evacuated or forcibly deported to Russia and Germany, some of whom did not return.

   A tribute to the memory of all the victims of World War II is paid around the world. The UN General Assembly  In 2004, it adopted a resolution declaring May 8 and 9 the Days of Remembrance and Reconciliation.

      We sincerely congratulate the veterans of the Second World War and all citizens of Ukraine on the Victory Day. We remember those who, without sparing their own lives, defended their homeland. Accept the warmest wishes of good health, comfort and well-being. Peace be upon you and your families!


Chernobyl. Without the right to forget.

     Today marks 34  years  since the Chernobyl disaster, the largest technological accident in the history of nuclear energy. As a result of the explosion on April 26, 1986, the 4th reactor of the Chernobyl NPP was completely destroyed. The nuclear fuel fission products released from the destroyed reactor were carried by air currents over large areas, causing their radioactive contamination not only near the nuclear power plant, but also hundreds and even thousands of kilometers from the accident site.

     The territories of many countries have been exposed to radioactive contamination.  Almost 8.4 million people in Ukraine, Belarus and Russia were exposed to radiation, and almost 404,000 people were relocated.  

     A 30-kilometer exclusion zone was created around the accident site, which still exists today.

Years pass after the Chernobyl accident. And the pain does not subside, the anxiety does not leave people associated with the mourning time of the nuclear apocalypse. The Chernobyl disaster will remain in our memory for a long time. We will feel its consequences for a long time, we will hear its bells for a long time. They will be heard for those who are no more, who will not be tomorrow, who paid for someone's mistake with their health and life.

     We bow down in gratitude to the liquidators of this terrible accident and those who  not among the living ...


April 23 - World Book and Copyright Day.


"People who read books will always control those who watch TV"

"When a book collides with the head - and at the same time an empty sound is heard, is the book always to blame?"

(Lichtenberg G.)


March 19 - the genius of Lina Kostenko - anniversary.

    For those who love and know the work of Lina Kostenko, no need for extra words and epithets.  

    Purchased for the anniversary in the Bookstore on the Triumphant wonderful books of Mrs. Lina - a collection of "Three Hundred Poems" and "Marusya Churai" are on the shelves and waiting for their readers and admirers.

   I would like to mention the only prose work that was created over 10 years and was published in 2010. This is the novel "Notes of the Ukrainian samashedshego." Despite the fact that 10 years have passed since the publication, the work has not lost its relevance and was literally disassembled into quotations. Here is one of them. At a time when, as always, it is not easy for us ... And  not only because ....

    "We are a naive people, Ukrainians. We dream of freedom in the context of globalization. We have released our hryvnia with princes and poets, when we no longer need history or poetry. We love our Ukraine, which has not yet died, we are fighting for our language, which is already dying. We are dependent on everyone and everything to build an independent state. But we all care about harmony in society, about consensus and compromise. Meanwhile, someone is looking at us like an optical sight "...



Do you have books in your home library that you don't read and they are useless?  Become a member of bookcrossing, the main principle of which is:  "READ - PASS TO ANOTHER"    

     Visit the KramKTD library, bring a book,  which you want to share and leave it on a special shelf. Take any other book in exchange. Enjoy reading your chosen book!  Repeat this many, many times!


     Bring for bookcrossing only those books that you would advise your friends to read!


December 7 marks the 120th anniversary of the birth of Catherine Belokur

Kateryna Bilokur is a unique artist who is one of the symbols of Ukrainian culture.

"If we had such a level of skill as an artist, we would make the whole world talk about her!" (P. Picasso)


BURDA magazine is 70 years old

For more than 20 years, students and teachers of our school have been able to get acquainted with the history of fashion and costumes, new trends in fashion and colors of fabrics that will be popular in a certain season, fashion shows of world and Ukrainian designers.

In 1950, the first issue of the illustrated monthly Burda Moden was published.

Already at the age of 17, Anne Burda knew what fashion should be: she should show a person herself - the one she wants to see herself.

"If your finances do not allow you to dress from Dior, a needle with a thread, taste and imagination will undoubtedly help you look fashionable and stylish ..." - said Anne Burda and this credo made the magazine published under her name the most popular and the most prestigious sewing magazine not only in Germany but also abroad.

The idea to make ready-made patterns and sewing instructions in the publication made fashion accessible to women all over the world. Millions of women have the opportunity to sew their own clothes: relevant, but not trendy, interesting, but easy to make.

Burda is now published in almost 100 countries and in 17 languages.

In the anniversary issue - the best retro models in modern reading and more.

Enjoy creativity and create something new with wonderful retro patterns "BURDA". Be creative!


January 21 - 115 years since the birth of Dream Designer - Christian Dior

    The history of fashion is an inexhaustible source of inspiration, search for new ideas, understanding that complete devotion to one's work gives incredible results. The most famous of the couturiers - Christian Dior was largely an innovator. His first collection  "New look", which was presented on February 12, 1947, contrasted  elegant and romantic style of work clothes and military uniform. (The time was postwar). Christian himself called this collection the embodiment of his own ideas about the ideal woman and femininity in general.

    "Women instinctively felt that I wanted to make them not only beautiful but also happy."

Perfume production line, shoes, theatrical costumes, work with Daniel Swarovski on a collection of rhinestone jewelry ...

     You can get acquainted with the work of world-famous fashion designer Christian Dior by visiting the exhibition in the reading room of the library.


Ukrainian women are the pride of the world!

     Ukrainian woman is a special phenomenon. Although, it is not polite to say so, because every woman is a phenomenon. But the Ukrainian stands out among all - sweet, friendly, a little dreamy. Natural grace, refined taste, refinement in feelings - all these features are fully peculiar only to our women.

   At the exhibition dedicated to  International Women's Day features 12 famous women, our beauties, of whom Ukrainians around the world are proud. Because they became known all over the world not only for their beauty, but also for their intelligence.

   You can find out by visiting the KTT library  what exactly are our compatriots, women who glorified Ukraine all over the world famous for!


Miracle, the name of which is a book

                 "Whoever loves a book,

                 he will go far in his development.

                 The book saves the soul from woodiness. "

                                          T.G. Shevchenko

In April 1995, the General Conference of UNESCO was established  World Book and Copyright Day,  which has been celebrated annually since 1996.

     A wonderful tradition of celebrating Book Day was born in Catalonia, where on April 23, St. George's Day, a rose was traditionally given for each book purchased. On this day it was also customary to give books to loved ones. However, a more serious reason for choosing this date was the fact that many famous writers were born or died on April 23. For example, M. Cervantes, W. Shakespeare, L. Vega, M. Druon, W. Nabokov.  

      IN  World Book and Copyright Day, celebrated in 190 countries, is the whole community  - both those who read and those who write, publish and sell books - make programs of events that show their love for books. There are meetings with authors, reading excerpts from favorite books, various competitions, actions in defense of the printed word, festival readings, book sales and more.  

      Already traditionally to this day in  Kramatorsk Library  technological  technical school  opened  exhibition  "A miracle whose name is a book."  On  it presents literature on the history of books and publishing, works of art about books, as well as new acquisitions to our library.


April 23 - 455 years since the birth of William Shakespeare


     The work of the genius English playwright William Shakespeare has become an invaluable asset of all advanced humanity. 
    "The very first page of Shakespeare, which I read, captivated me for life, and after overcoming his first work, I stood like a blind man, to whom a miraculous hand suddenly gave sight" (Johann Goethe)
    "What is more dignified: to endure silently Heavy blows of the fate 
    Or become armed against a sea of torment 
    And put an end to them with borne? "
                (Hamlet, Act 3, Scene 1).
    In 1872, the first Ukrainian translation of Shakespeare's works appeared - the tragedy "Hamlet", translated by Mykhailo Starytsky. 
    The powerful power of Shakespeare's word fascinated Taras Shevchenko, they were well known by Panas Myrnyi, Lesya Ukrainka, the founders of the Ukrainian National Theater Tobilevychi. Ivan Franko wrote prefaces and explanations to the translations of Shakespeare's plays by Panteleimon Kulish. 
    A six-volume edition of the genius William Shakespeare with works translated into Ukrainian by Maksym Rylsky, Dmytro Palamarchuk, Lesya Tanyuk, Dmytro Bilous, Dmytro Pavlychko and others is in our library. 
    The modern translation of Shakespeare by the Ukrainian writer Yuriy Andrukhovych and the illustrator Vladyslav Yerk is a happy opportunity to relive the genius works in a new way, to feel their eternal relevance and modernity.


April 1 marks 210 years since the birth of Nikolai Gogol  

   Could Gogol, not being a Ukrainian in spirit, in blood, in deep essence, write "Evenings on a farm near Dykanka", "Sorochyn Fair", "May Night", "Taras Bulba"? It is obvious that he could do it only son of the Ukrainian people ...
    Oles Honchar wrote that Gogol did not decorate people's lives in his works, "it is more appropriate in this connection to speak about the author's inspired sublimity, about his son's love for the customs of his native land, the young poet's charm with the magic of ringing winter nights with carols for girls and boys. a palpable desire to find in strong and integral folk natures resistance for the embarrassed spirit, to find something reliable, pure and beautiful. "Evenings on the farm .... .
    You can get acquainted with the works of MV Gogol by visiting the KramKTD library. 


To the 380th anniversary of the birth of Hetman Ivan Mazepa

   "From Bohdan to Ivan there was no Hetman"   (Ukrainian folk saying)

    Ivan Mazepa was the first Ukrainian hetman to hold a mace for 22 years. This period of Ukrainian history became a time of economic growth, stabilization of the social situation, revival of religious life and culture. I. Mazepa was able to unite the Left-Bank and Right-Bank Ukraine under his rule.
    Mazepa's influence and his idea of liberating Ukraine from power and the presence of Muscovy were so strong that the Russian government was frightened by the very mention of this person. The courtiers made great efforts to erase from human memory the memory of the great Hetman, destroying his images in paintings, engravings, and even bas-reliefs. Many portraits and other images of Mazepa still survive. Despite the ban, Ukrainians ordered portraits of the Hetman. It was believed that in this way the connection with their historical past was maintained. But most artists portrayed the Hetman as they imagined him. 
    In 2017, a group of scientists and journalists from Channel 1 + 1 conducted their own investigation to determine what Ivan Mazepa looked like and why his face was distorted in all existing portraits.
    Thanks to the painstaking work of scientists and journalists, the image of Hetman Ivan Mazepa was reconstructed, which is as close as possible to the real thing. 
    The whole process of search and research in the historical film-investigation of Akim Galimov "Ukraine. The return of its history. " You can watch the movie at the link:  https: // ...


A book through the ages

     The library has long been a treasure trove of wisdom accumulated by mankind in various  areas of knowledge. There is an opinion that nowadays reading is no longer relevant, and the phrase "A book is the best gift" makes you smile…  I would like to prove otherwise. For most, a "book" is a value, and often a relic. To this end, an exhibition of home-made rare editions has been arranged in the KTT library.  The idea of the exhibition was supported by teachers, staff and students, who gladly agreed to bring copies of rare  books from home libraries.

    Among the books presented at the exhibition are very old,  and there are just home, family relics, from which blows family comfort ... (READ MORE ...)


Unfading wreath in memory of the Heroes of Kruty

    January 29 - Kruty Heroes Remembrance Day. One hundred years ago, on January 29, 1918, a battle took place there, which for many years became a symbol of the struggle of the Ukrainian people for freedom and independence.

     After the proclamation of the Fourth Universal on the statehood of Ukraine on January 22, 1918, the armed red horde moved to Kyiv. In the last minutes before the danger, the government called on the entire Ukrainian people: "Stand with arms in defense of Ukraine's borders."

     Along with the soldiers of the Central Rada, mostly young men of the Kyiv Military School named after B. Khmelnytsky, there were 300 volunteers of the Sich smokehouse - students, high school students, among whom are just children aged 14-15. They were not familiar with weapons or martial arts, but heroically went to defend their state, their native people.

     The blood near Kruty was not shed in vain. From it, as if from immortality, petals of will blossom. Already on January 29, 1919, on the anniversary of the battle, the heroes came to Askold's grave

students and high school students. They swore allegiance to Ukraine, to allegiance to the ideas for which the heroes paid with their lives. Professor Mykhailo Hrushevsky spoke about the dead.

    He, in particular, said: "Hold back your rolling tears: these young men laid down their heads for the liberation of the Fatherland and the Fatherland will preserve a grateful memory of them forever!". Steep became the beginning of a new era in the history of Ukraine. Without Kruty, even the Act of Reunion of January 22, 1919, would have been a mere document.

    In 1931, Ukrainian students declared the day of the battle of Kruty All-Ukrainian Day of Remembrance of young men who defended Ukraine from fierce enemies.

The events near Kruty are one of the many heroic and at the same time tragic pages of our history. However, they still remain relevant for us. And then, in 1918, and today in 2018, thanks to tens of thousands of Ukrainians, we still stopped the new offensive of the Russian horde. Both in 1918 and today, our soldiers lay their young lives on the altar of victory, sacrificing them for the sake of Ukraine.


The Battle of Kruty became a symbol of the indomitability of young Ukrainians, their insurmountable desire to live in a free Ukraine, to feel like masters of their native land.

     This day became the day of all the youth of Ukraine. The grave of the heroes will be the bell that cries out to the living. New generations will come, and they will remember that here lie those who gave everything they had - youth, hope and life itself for the freedom of Ukraine.



Do you have books in your home library that you don't read and they are useless?  Become a member of bookcrossing, the main principle of which is:  "READ - PASS TO ANOTHER"    

     Visit the KTT library, bring a book,  which you want to share and leave it on a special shelf. Take any other book in exchange. Enjoy reading your chosen book!  Repeat this many, many times!


     Bring for bookcrossing only those books that you would advise your friends to read!


Give a book to the library!

    Each of us has books at home that we have read and can share them with other people who love to read and cannot imagine their lives without a book.

    If your home library has textbooks, reference books, fiction that you do not use, they can be accepted by the library, where they will find their reader.  

    We are grateful to those readers who have already donated their books to the library, and we will be grateful to everyone who will take part in this event.


All-Ukrainian Day of Libraries

The following events took place before the All-Ukrainian Day of Libraries at the Kramatorsk Technological College: the exhibition "Books - Anniversaries of 2017" in the reading room, bookcrossing ... (Read more ...)

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